
Below is a list of my past projects, which I felt at the time were large enough, interesting enough or complex enough to post onto the Internet for public consumption. The projects cover a range of topics, and are written in a range of languges - so there should be something of interest to most technology enthusiasts.

C# Projects

Projects written in the C# language from Microsoft, on the .NET platform.

AVR Projects

Projects for the Atmel AVR range of Microcontrolers.

  • ABC Manual

    Manual for the now-defunct Investment Technologies' "HotChip" AVR boards.

  • Simple Simon

    An experiment in state-machines to create a "Simon" toy, with sound.

  • ButtLoad

    AVRISP clone (with standalone programming mode) for the Atmel Butterfly board.

  • AVR Code Samples

    Small AVR related code fragments and libraries.

  • AVR Articles

    A collection of my AVR related Tutorials for the USART, Timers and more.

  • LUFA

    Complete USB Stack for the USB AVR microcontrollers.


    Clone of the Atmel AVRISP-MKII programmer, based on my LUFA project.

  • XPLAIN Bridge

    XMEGA PDI Programmer and USB-to-Serial Bridge, based on my LUFA project.

  • Explorer Bot

    Embedded Bluetooth Stack and Exploration Robot.

Visual Basic 6 Projects

Projects for Microsoft's long-dead Visual Basic 6 Platform.

  • etURP

    Frontend software for the NQC compiler, for the old Lego Mindstorms Robotics Set.

  • ComTalk

    Desktop assistant to read the time, synchronize the system clock and more.

  • DeepLook

    VB6 project analyser, to show code statistics, remove unused variables and package references.

  • Layers Demo

    GDI Graphics demo to blend several discrete layers into a single composited image.

Java Projects

Projects for the Java 1.6 Platform.

  • 3D Renderer

    Java applet to render and rotate a 3D image in real time.

  • AI Space Game

    Early experiment in a platform for pitching one AI against another.

  • Ray Tracer

    Educational sphere ray tracer written in Java, written for maximum readability.

Other Projects

Miscellaneous Projects I've completed.

  • DMBS

    Modular GNU Make build system, for AVRs.

  • Digipet

    Microworlds clone of the original Tamagotchi toy.

  • Mitsmini Manual

    Manual for the now-defunct Investment Technologies' "Mitsmini" M16 boards.


Vital Stats

  • 35 Years Old
  • Australian
  • Lover of embedded systems
  • Firmware engineer
  • Self-Proclaimed Geek

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